Thursday, March 08, 2007

A Bit of a Rant

I'm not usually one to complain but this one is seriously irritating me right now so heck, I'm just going to write about it and get it off of my chest. I'm sure a lot of you will be able to relate to what I am about to share. We've all been there way too many times.

So we've all done it before. You get this email from someone, either requesting something from you, asking a question that you don't feel comfortable answering or maybe asking a question that's really difficult to answer. Maybe they're really into you and you're just not that into them. Maybe you're so busy right now that you just can't seem to catch up and so you only reply to the "important ones." Whatever it is that stops you from responding, there are those moments when you choose to ignore the situation or in the back of your mind, you plan to write to that person at some other time so that you can give it more thought. Before you know it, the email that you were going to send eventually gets lost in cyberspace and the person on the other end is wondering why you never responded. And what's worse, the person on the other end is often left feeling unimportant and ends up taking your lack of response personally. I've been guilty of doing this to others way too many times and have been the one that has had this done to me as well. And I am now learning that it is not a good way to behave if you want others to respect and trust you.

But for some reason, our society allows this behaviour to be tolerated. I'm left wondering...Is it a Canadian thing to be so passive or does the rest of the world behave this way? Is it mostly within the music industry or is this behaviour in every industry? I'm curious...

I could list a number of reasons why I am left feeling irritated by these things right now but instead, I'm going to spend some time tonight making sure that I've replied to every single email I've gotten today, even the ones I don't feel like responding to. Afterall, they took the time to write me and it only seems fair to be respectful and write back, even if they are really short ones. A response is always better than no response.

So let this can be a reminder that it's always good to respect those who put in an effort to be in touch. Don't leave people wondering on the other end. It's just not fair.

End of rant. : )


At 6:51 a.m. , Blogger joycake said...

hear hear.


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