Home Sweet Home and a Slave to the Needles
Finally, I think I'm starting to get back on track. It's funny how long it takes for me to feel settled at home when I've been gone for a while. Piles of laundry, too many emails to reply to, phonecalls to return, paperwork piled up...it's a lot of stuff to get back on top of. I guess that's the life of a self-employed artist. I have no complaints though as I definately enjoy the freedom of choosing my own schedule and doing what I love. I used to live the whole day job life, getting up at 6am to sit at a desk typing on the computer all day. I would always get irritated when I would think about the number of hours I would be wasting each day doing things that didn't contribute to my musical dreams and goals. You day job folks understand what I'm saying here...
So last night, I was looking through my journal and discovered something I wrote that I think I may make the title of something in my near future..."It's time for the wind revolution." What do you think? Not sure if anyone reads this blog or not but if you do, I'd love some feedback. It's funny how stuff comes to you sometimes. I remember writing that down after a conversation I had with someone on the road...it was memorable enough that I wrote it down. It mostly has to do with the fact that I'm tired of there being this string revolution in the indie rock scene. I think it's time for the winds to take over and start our own revolution!
Talking about winds taking over, there's going to be an article written about me in a US rocker's knitting zine (yes, you read it correctly!) called "Slave to the Needles." I have attached a pic of it above that I found on another girl's knitting blog site that I found through a google search...Never knew there was a knitting culture like this out there! I was contacted out of the blue by "Slave to the Needles" zine creator Aimee for an interview and it just so happens that I used to love knitting when I was a kid! When it comes out, I'll be sure to post it on my website.
Other cool stuff...I just had a bunch of European radio stations in the UK and Belgium request for me to send them my CDs which was a real thrill as I'd absolutely love to get my name out there enough that I could eventually do a tour, especially in the UK, France and Netherlands, maybe even Germany. I'm working on it...
OK, that's it for now. Gotta go walk my dog Sadie. What a gorgeous day it is outside!
Love Rozalind
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