Too Early in the Morning!
I'm sitting at an internet cafe in the Annex. It's 8am in the morning and I'm trying to catch up on emails before I attend my last day of the touring workshop I've been taking in Toronto. The workshop was organized by the Canada Arts Council and it has been an absolutely amazing experience! I have been asking lots of questions which the facilitators have been so helpful in answering. I'm learning so much about the music industry these days. Everytime I attend one of these workshops, it emphasizes in my mind how much more I need to learn about the industry in order to truly succeed financially in this business. It's a crazy world out there and every little bit of knowledge helps.
So we had a really fun show at Holy Joe's last night. Thanks to everyone who made it out. It's funny how different the vibe is at each place we play. The Holy Joe's show was a totally different atmosphere than the Island's Rectory Cafe, that's for sure. Lots of couches, funky lights and dark walls. It was nice to see so many familiar faces at the show and Shawn Sage definately added a quirky element to the performance. I was pretty stressed out before the show mostly because I had yet to hear or see Shawn Sage perform before. He was supposed to send me a CD to practise to over a month ago but I never received it. Murphy's Law had it that I was to play with Shawn on the spot. That's ok when it's only for one song but more than that makes me feel a bit uneasy while performing with them. I think songwriters often don't realize how much pressure there is in accompanying them, mostly because their tunes are so easy for them to perform because they wrote them. Especially with this tour, I have had to learn so many new songs that it has been a real challenge to get them all into a comfortable place for me. When I perform, I like to be able to forget about the structure of the song and just have fun performing.
Next time around, I will make sure that noone goes on tour with me unless I have a copy of their recordings and at least one rehearsal.
At this point in the tour, I'm totally comfortable playing with Lindsay and Yael. We're having a lot of fun working on vocal harmonies and are even talking about a future tour together! It's been a blast and I really love working with those girls. They're truly special and beautiful people.
Well, I gotta go! I'm getting late for my workshop! I'll write again soon...
Love Rozalind
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