Sunday, July 30, 2006

Recording in Seattle!!!

Hey Everyone!

I am writing to you from Seattle, Washington, where I am recording my new EP, titled, "Seattle Sessions - Less is More." Just finished recording my first song for it with recording engineer Tony Fabris. Things are going really well so far. Think I have a great new EP in the works and am having a wonderful time working with Tony.

I was planning on recording my 5 song EP on Gabriola Island (one of the Gulf Islands) last week while I was visiting there but the recording engineer totally flaked out and never showed up! Never been more frustrated as I eagerly waited for the engineer to show up each day. I finally gave up on waiting for him after the seventh day of being promised that he would show up and living in conditions that were less than tolerable. It's a long story that is better shared in person and it's a serious doozy.

Just as I was thinking that I would have to put off my recording until after my three month tour was completed, I got an offer to head to Seattle to record with Tony Fabris. Bigger and better things always seem to come to those who are patient and to those who are willing to wait. Now I am super happy that things didn't pan out on Gabriola as I never would have had the opportunity to work with such a talented recording engineer like Tony and never would have been able to visit the super cool city of Seattle so soon. This place rocks!

On that note, I better get back to it. I'll get our new recordings up on MySpace as soon as they're ready...

Love Rozalind


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