New Recordings

Hi Friends!
I finally have some new recordings uploaded on MySpace and I invite you to have a listen.
These recordings were done at the Banff Centre as a collaborative recording project with audio engineer Jeong Seon Choi. I wrote these three songs while I was doing my residency there in songwriting from January - March 2006. There are two other songs that I may eventually share with you as well.
These recordings represent chapter two of my songwriter's journey. They are a good representation of where I was at last March, after exactly one year of playing the guitar. It's funny - it's now May and I already feel like a totally different musician than what I hear in these recordings. I think that's why I value recording every part of the songwriting journey so much. Gotta document the journey, that's for sure.
I wonder, what will chapter three be like? : ) I'm pretty excited to get in the studio again soon as I have lots of new songs to share...
About the Songs:
All The Sweet Things That You Do
I wrote this song after a very sexy night with a very sexy guy.
Crying on The Inside
I wrote this one as I sat in my Banff Centre music studio in the middle of a winter night, candles burning and the wind outside fighting to stay alive ...It was one of those moments when I was thinking about how tired I was of always having to put on a happy face for people, even when I was "crying on the inside."
Life's Gonna Turn Around For You
This one came to me on a sunny Saturday afternoon after I met Sarah Slean who was at the Banff Centre the same time I was. There had just been a beautiful snowstorm and I was having a fun moment, making a snowman outside. I kept thinking that I'd be alright if I could just remember the good moments and remember that life always turns around, even in those dark moments. I decided to put it into a song to always remind myself of the good stuff.
Thank you:
To Jeong Seon Choi, Josh Tidsbury and everyone at the Banff Centre who contributed their time and energy to making these recordings happen. A huge thanks goes out to the talented Banff Centre musicians, especially Fred Demers, Catherine Thompson and Antonio Gonazales for their beautiful performances.
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