Lyrics - Have a Nice Life

Hey Friends,
This song is a little bitter about relationships gone wrong so stop reading now if you're not into reading about that kind of stuff. I've been through a few gold medal winners lately so I've had lots of inspiration! You know, after all the shitty relationships I've experienced recently, I've got many songs like this one brewing. I'm sure some of you girls can relate. The dating world is just not a pretty one these days or at least, not for me. Has it ever been? Let's hope for happier times...I'm keeping the faith that a special someone will come out of the woodworks someday, when the time is right. Maybe I'm just not ready for it yet...
With that being said, don't worry guys, I am well aware that not all of you are shitheads and that there's a lot of really great guys out there who deserve recognition. I've got lots of great guy friends in my life to prove it. Unfortunately though, in the dating scene, I just haven't met many good ones recently. I'm also aware that a lot of women can be pretty nasty to men as well and so guys, you can take this as being a song for those shithead women as well! : )
Just had to get it out I guess, especially on a night like tonight. I'm in one of those moods...
Have a Nice Life
Words and Music by Rozalind MacPhail
I got many stories about relationships gone wrong...
I thought I would share one of them with you as you may relate to this song
It's about a guy who I once liked, who I hadn't dated for that long
Just a few weeks of fun and great inspiration for this song.
You made plans to meet me for coffee,
I was looking forward to seeing you all day
I'd been working really hard and was ready for a break
The moment I saw you, something in my gut told me something was wrong
And I chose to ignore it, even when you wouldn't look me in the eyes for that long
And then you blurted it out,
You have feelings for another girl
You've liked her for the past six months
Yet you've never told me about her before!
I bet the moment she found out about me,
She's been wanting you more and more
And now she can have you
As I'm not going to compete for your attention
If it's her that you adore
So I walked out of that coffee shop, feeling like crap in every way
If he was still around to listen, this is what I'd have to say...
Have yourself a nice life and now get out of my sight
It's been nice knowing you, au revoir, goodbye
You're just the asshole type,
The kind of guy that I really don't need in my life
I deserve so much better than you
Really, thank you for leaving
And now have yourself a nice life
Don't try to call me when you finally realize that I'm gone
Don't write me letters apologizing for all that you've done wrong
You made your decision the moment you chose to leave
And now I wish you the best and please, just leave me be.
Heck, at least you gave me some inspiration to write this song
Now I'll put all those harsh feelings into the trash where they belong
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