Mount Rundle, my favourite mountain. I get to see Rundle every morning when I venture to my music hut. Talk about being spoiled. It's breathtaking out here!

My practice hut in the woods, hut #3

Inside my practice hut

A cool sculpture I discovered on a snowy hike through the woods. Did it ever freak me out from afar! I was walking on my own and was a little spooked until I discovered what it was...

The teddy bear snowman I made outside my hut the first day we got lots of snow. I felt like a little kid again!

And later that day, I excitedly discovered two more snowmen had been made by fellow music hut dwellers!

Bruno's open stage, every Wednesday night. Erik the Viking is playing the guitar. What a fun time and some seriously talented musicians come out to play each week. It reminds me of Cafe Nostalgica in Ottawa. It's so great to meet up with so many local folks.They play solely for the love of music which I admire so much. One guy, a pianist named Greg actually drives all the way from Calgary to come and play each week!

A male deer. This one walked right by me on my hike with my friend Larry!

This was a sign that was on the bathroom door of a gas station just outside of Lake Louise. I thought it was hysterical!

Cross country skiing at Emerald Lake, a magical spot.

Another shot of Emerald Lake. So beautiful. Winter Wonderland.

A female deer! This one was right outside my residence door as I walked outside in the afternoon.

The same deer a little further away...Oh how I love those deer!
That's it for now folks. I'll post more pics soon...
Love Rozalind
Lovely photos, Rozalind. I'm so glad you are having a succulent time!
Hi Amanda!
So nice to hear from you! I hope all is well. : )
Sorry that I have not been in touch. One of these days, I'll get around to catching up. I owe many people letters and emails but simply have no time to write them!
This week has been just jam packed with music. I've had four performances in the last 4 days and am getting private vocal coachings for the first time. It's a really amazing place and yes, I am LOVING it! I am so inspired. I totally made the right choice to come out to Banff. The only complaint I have is that time is moving too quickly and soon I will be making another new journey through my touring...
Missing you... : ) Please keep in touch as I always love hearing from you.
Love Rozalind
No worries about e-mailing. There are all kinds of ways to be in touch, and this blog is a lovely way! All is excellent here. It's now finally cold cold enough for people to skate on the canal and the winterlude ice sculptures are glistening. The Beavertail is 25 years old. (Of course that one might be too stale to eat ;)
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