Saturday, December 10, 2005

Moving in less than two weeks!

Hi Folks,

Can't believe it! I'm moving out of Ottawa in less than two weeks now...

I'll be packing up my stuff and storing it all in my Oma's (Dutch for Grandmother) basement in Acton (it's worth the drive!) just before Christmas. Then, it's off to Calgary I fly on Jan 4th! Exciting times. I'll be in Toronto from Dec 22 - Jan 4th. New Year's in Toronto it is!

So I'm sure a bunch of you are curious about whether I've found the money for Banff yet. The good news is that I have! A very dear friend of mine has offered to lend me the money to pay for the remainder of my Banff Centre expenses. Guess it was meant to be afterall. Thank goodness for those beautiful folks who offer to help us artists in our times of financial need. It really makes the difference. Without my friend's help, my dreams of going to Banff in January would have been shattered and my future dreams would have been greatly altered. Thank goodness I don't even have to think about that anymore as it was making sleeping at night a little harsh and my days even more stressful. I was so worried that I wouldn't find a way to work it all out and was beginning to give up. But in the end, money is still just money and it should never hold us back from what we really want in life. What's more important is living our lives in ways that we can be truly happy.

I'll be here in Ottawa until December 21st. Sad and happy to be leaving this city. It's definitely time to be moving and time to share my music in new places and with new audiences. Yet, with that being said, I will miss this city so much and the friends I've shared so many magical moments with. It is a really special place and I have met so many beautiful people along the way...Gonna miss you all.

Instead of saying goodbye, I have decided to say "I'll see you soon." Although it will never be the same again as I don't think I'll ever be living here again, I already am looking forward to touring through Ottawa and keeping in touch with everyone.

If you would like to find out what I'm up to when I move, I suggest that you sign up to my Yahoo Group mailing list. You can get to it by visiting the main page of my website: I'll be sending updates about my adventures every few weeks as well as letting you know about future shows.

Warm Wishes,

Love Rozalind


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