Frog Frog Duck!
Grad Club, Kingston - Friday April 8, 9pm
What a fun couple of days I’ve been having. Right now I’m in Kingston with the Elliott Brood, The Acorn and As The Poets Affirm folks. We’re just setting up the sound at the Grad Club and as always, there’s lots of waiting around until the sound’s all ready to go. I love being the flutist in the band – not much gear to carry, little to set up with the sound…it’s pretty cool. Most of my work comes from carrying everyone else’s gear which I never seem to mind. It’s good exercise. But right now, I’m chilling out, listening to good tunes and enjoying some quiet time typing to you as I sit in the green room…
Have I mentioned how much I adore the guys from Elliott Brood? Man, did we ever have a good time driving from Ottawa to Kingston today. Casey is an absolute hoot! He had me in stitches all day and I mean, that kind of laughing that makes your tummy hurt. He was playing this kid’s toy keyboard that Steve bought for his child that’s on the way. It had sounds of frogs, dogs, ducks and birds and this hilarious version of jingle bells. We just couldn’t get enough of Casey’s non-stop entertainment and he was actually coming up with some pretty cool sounds. It was the kind of joke that just keeps going and one that you never grow tired of…I’m sure that they will be joking about the frog duck dog sounds for the entire tour. Too bad my time with those folks ends tonight as I’m having suck a good time. Oh well, more good times to come…The BlueScreen folks are picking me up in Kingston tomorrow for their show at the Elmo tomorrow night. I’m really looking forward to that as well…
I’m discovering the true importance of being on the road with people you enjoy spending time with. It makes all the difference, especially during stressful and challenging situations. When you’re on the road, you spend so much time traveling together and waiting around that it’s always nice to spend that time with people you actually like. For example, traveling with the Brood boys today was so much fun that it kept me smiling all day long and now I’m totally pumped to perform a great show.
I’m thinking that tonight’s going to be packed. There have been so many people here since we arrived and they don’t look like they’re leaving anytime soon. It’s that time of year when all the students are out going for their last pints with their professors and drinking themselves silly. Queens seems like a pretty cool place. The Grad Club staff have definitely been wonderful to us so far…very friendly. Can’t wait to have the show start…
On that note, I better get back to helping everyone out…
Love Rozalind
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